- Morning on the River, 20 x 20, UArt
The Evolution of a Painting-Part 4
In this final version, I have changed the tree in upper left completely in order to provide more sky and make it less domineering. Actually, there are now two trees: a spruce and a tree in fall foliage to its right. I added some warmer colors to the background trees at right and to the marshes on the left. And, I decided that the reeds were a distraction and took them out! With so much busyness on the left, the expanse of water with its changing colors is a welcome relief, I feel. The light water moving to the right is being caused by three ducks–little specks of dark color that can’t be seen in this image–that add interest to the painting. This picture was a struggle in many ways but I decided that I could make it work and kept an open mind as to what to retain, change or omit. While I’m sure it could be improved even more, I’m satisfied to let if rest for now. I think that the flow of shapes and values leads the eye to background and the sunny yellow sky and the tree at left does not dominate or disturb this flow.